Authentication resources for monetr's REST API.
Authentication is primarily broken up into three objects. Logins, users, and accounts. Each of these objects are different from each other, but all of them are related. Logins are used to represent a single person's credentials for accessing monetr, as well as some of their basic information like their name. Users are a child object of logins, and a single login can have multiple users. Users are tied to a single account. Accounts are how all data is separated inside the application. When you create a Plaid Link or expenses, or other budgeting items. They are created at an account level. Your login tells us what users represent you, and those users tell us what accounts you have access to.
At the moment logins are limited to a single user. This is a software constraint for now. The design to allow logins access to multiple users was to allow (in the future) people to have shared access to an account. Such as with a spouse.
Provide login credentials to authenticate a user. This API will not respond with a token in the body. It stores the
token in an HTTP only cookie to prevent it from being accessible from Javascript code in the browser. If the credentials
are valid then you will receive a 200 OK
status code in the response.
POST /api/authentication/login
Request Body
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
email | string | yes | The email address associated with the desired login. |
password | string | yes | The login password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters. |
captcha | string | no * | By default this field is not required, but if captcha is enabled then this field will be required. It should be the resulting value of a ReCAPTCHA challenge. |
totp | string | no | Not yet fully implemented, but will be used to provide TOTP codes for the user during the authentication flow. |
Response Body
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
isActive | bool | yes | Used as an indicator for whether or not the current user's subscription is active. If billing is disabled this is always true. |
nextUrl | string | no | If the API needs to direct a user to a certain path after authenticating, this field will be present. This is intended to be used for on-boarding or for billing flows. |
??? note
When the request is successful the response body is pretty minimal. User details should be retrieved using a follow up request to Get Me
Login Examples
curl --request POST \
--url "" \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{
"email": "",
"password": "superSecureP@ssw0rd"
If the credentials provided are valid and there is nothing else to be done, then the response will simply be this.
"isActive": true
Subscription is not active
If the subscription for the authenticated user is not active (or if there is no subscription at all), then the response body will contain a path indicating to the UI what the next URL should be.
"isActive": false,
"nextUrl": "/account/subscribe"
Login Errors
Invalid Credentials
If the credentials provided are not valid you will receive the following response body:
"error": "invalid email and password"
Email is not verified
If email verification is required by the server, then it is possible to get a login failure response even with valid credentials. If the credentials provided are valid, but the login's email is not verified yet; then you will receive the following response.
"error": "email address is not verified",
MFA is required
That is not the only error that can result in a 428
status code, if the user requires MFA you will receive the same
status code upon providing valid credentials. But the code in the error body will be different and represent what action
needs to be taken by the user.
"error": "login requires MFA",
"code": "MFA_REQUIRED"
Because cookies are HTTP only, there is no way to remove the cookies from our UI code. Instead, we have a logout endpoint that removes the cookies.
GET /api/authentication/logout
Logout Examples
curl --request GET \
--url ""
Logout does not return an error if the cookie is not present, it will always return a 200
status code with an empty
response body.
New users can register for monetr using this endpoint. It can be configured to require ReCAPTCHA to reduce the likelihood that the endpoint will be spammed. Even in self-hosted deployments, it will require a valid email address is used. 1 Registering will create a new login, user, and account using the provided details.
If billing is enabled on the server, your email address will be used to create a Stripe customer. Stripe is used to manage subscriptions and this way Stripe has a way to contact you or vice versa if needed.
POST /api/authentication/register
Request Body
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
email | string | yes | The email address associated with the desired login. |
password | string | yes | The login password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from the password. |
firstName | string | yes | By default this field is not required, but if captcha is enabled then this field will be required. It should be the resulting value of a ReCAPTCHA challenge. |
lastName | string | yes | Not yet fully implemented, but will be used to provide TOTP codes for the user during the authentication flow. |
timezone | string | yes | The timezone you want your account to be configured for. |
captcha | string | no * | Can be required if ReCAPTCHA is enabled on the server. |
betaCode | string | no * | Can be required if the server requires an access code to create an account. |
agree | bool | yes | Used to denote that the user has agreed to the terms of use for monetr. |
Response Body
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | no | If the user needs to verify their email then this will contain a message that can be presented to the user. |
requireVerification | bool | yes | If the server requires that the login's email is verified, the fields below this will be omitted in the response body and this will be true. If this is false then the user does not need to verify their email. |
nextUrl | string | no | If the API requires that the user take some on-boarding action, such as setting up a subscription. There will be a path provided here for the user to be redirected to. |
user | User | no | If email verification is not required by the server then the newly created user object will be present in the response. |
isActive | bool | no | Indicated whether or not the user is active, for servers that require billing this will be false initially. |
Register Examples
curl --request POST \
--url "" \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{
"email": "",
"password": "superSecureP@ssw0rd",
"firstName": "Elliot",
"lastName": "Courant",
"timezone": "America/Chicago",
"agree": true
If the registration was successful and email verification is not necessary then you'll see a response body similar to the following.
"nextUrl": "/setup",
"user": {
"loginId": 1234,
"accountId": 1235,
"userId": 1236,
"login": {
"loginId": 1234,
"firstName": "Elliot",
"lastName": "Courant",
"account": {
"accountId": 1235,
"timezone": "America/Chicago"
"isActive": true,
"requireVerification": false
Email verification required
If the registration succeeds, but we need to verify the login's email address.
"message": "A verification email has been sent to your email address, please verify your email.",
"requireVerification": true
Email already exists
If the provided email is already in use by someone else for monetr then you will receive a bad request response.
"error": "email already in use",
"code": "EMAIL_IN_USE"
Email addresses are not used to send people content unprompted. Email addresses provide a reliable way to assure uniqueness in users, as well as a way to contact them for things like billing and resetting forgotten passwords. For self-hosted deployments, it is not required that the email address used be one that can actually receive emails. However, this will limit your ability to easily reset forgotten passwords at this time. ↩