Funding Schedules

Funding Schedules

Funding schedules are used to tell monetr when to allocate funds to spending objects. They represent the frequency that you are paid; or the frequency that you would like to allocate funds to things you are budgeting for. Funding schedules are specific to a single bank account and must have a unique name within a bank account.

List Funding Schedules

This endpoint does not support any pagination, it simply returns all of the funding schedules for the provided bank account Id.

GET /api/bank_accounts/{bankAccountId}/funding_schedules

Request Path

bankAccountIdstringyesThe ID of the bank account the funding schedules belong to.

Response Body

fundingScheduleIdstringyesThe globally unique identifier for a funding schedule.
bankAccountIdstringyesThe bank account that this funding schedule belongs to, this will be the same as the bankAccountId provided in the URL path.
namestringyesThe name of the funding schedule; this is unique per bank account.
descriptionstringnoIf the funding schedule was created by the UI, then this will be a summary of the rule field in english.
rulestringyesThe RRule provided when the funding schedule was created; representing how frequently this funding schedule will occur.
excludeWeekendsboolyes:fontawesome-solid-flask: If this is true, then the nextOccurrence will never fall on a weekend. If the rule would have it fall on a weekend, then the date is adjusted to be the previous Friday.
estimatedDepositnumberno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Estimated Deposit is going to be used to help calculate a free-to-use ahead of when someone would actually get paid.
nextRecurrencedatetimeyesThe next time this funding schedule will allocate funds to it's spending objects.

List Funding Schedules Examples

Example List Funding Schedules Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ""


200 Ok
      "fundingScheduleId": "fund_01hxg13nya1h32pdmxsb8qpmn6",
      "bankAccountId": "bac_01hxg13mchymf24zwyf05g0r45",
      "name": "Payday",
      "description": "The 15th and the Last day of every month",
      "excludeWeekends": false,
      "nextRecurrence": "2022-05-31T00:00:00-06:00"

Create Funding Schedule

Create a funding schedule by providing some basic information about when the funding schedule will occur next as well as how frequently it occurs.

POST /api/bank_accounts/{bankAccountId}/funding_schedules

Request Path

bankAccountIdstringyesThe ID of the bank account this new funding schedule should belong to.

Request Body

namestringyesThe name of the new funding schedule. For a given bankAccountId this value must be unique.
rulestringyesThe RRule representing how the funding schedule should occur. See RFC5545 (opens in a new tab).
- The 15th and last day of every month: FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTHDAY=15,-1
- Every other friday: FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=FR
descriptionstringnoThe description of the funding schedule, this can be anything you want; but in the UI this is auto filled to be a string of the RRule. For example; The 15th and Last day of every month
excludeWeekendsboolno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Exclude weekends will adjust the occurrence dates if they were to fall on a weekend. It will set the date to be the closest previous business day. This will not impact the frequency of the funding schedule.
estimatedDepositnumberno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Estimated Deposit is going to be used to help calculate a free-to-use ahead of when someone would actually get paid.
nextRecurrencedatetimenoYou can provide the next occurrence date in the create request, this date will be used on subsequence recurrences to determine the following contribution dates. For rules that have static dates defined like the 15th and last day of the month, this will not affect subsequent recurrences. But for rules that can be more loose, like every other friday; this will determine which "every other" friday it is.

Response Body

fundingScheduleIdstringyesThe unique identifier for the funding schedule you created. This is globally unique within monetr.
bankAccountIdstringyesThis will be the value of the bankAccountId parameter you provided in the API path, and is included on GET requests as well.
namestringyesThe name of the funding schedule provided by you, if there were leading or trailing spaces they will have been trimmed.
descriptionstringnoIf a description was provided then it will be present here.
rulestringyesThe RRule provided when the funding schedule was created.
excludeWeekendsboolyesIf a value was provided in the create request, it will be present here; otherwise this will be false.
estimatedDepositnumberno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Estimated Deposit is going to be used to help calculate a safe-to-spend ahead of when someone would actually get paid.
nextRecurrencedatetimeyesIf you provided a date time and it was in the future, that will be
used for the next occurrence. If one was not provided, then this value will be calculated using the rule field and the current timestamp.

Create Funding Schedule Examples

Example Create Funding Schedule Request
curl --request POST \
  --url "" \
  --header "content-type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "name": "Payday",
    "description": "The 15th and Last day of every month",
    "excludeWeekends": false,
    "nextRecurrence": "2022-05-31T00:00:00-06:00"


If the funding schedule was created successfully, then you'll receive the created object back.

200 Ok
  "fundingScheduleId": "fund_01hxg13nya1h32pdmxsb8qpmn6",
  "bankAccountId": "bac_01hxg13mchymf24zwyf05g0r45",
  "name": "Payday",
  "description": "The 15th and the Last day of every month",
  "excludeWeekends": false,
  "nextOccurrence": "2022-05-31T00:00:00-06:00"

Update Funding Schedule

A funding schedule can be updated after it has been created, this will allow people to change when they get paid or when they want to allocate funds to budgets. When updating a funding schedule it is recommended that you provide the entire funding schedule object. Some fields can be omitted but may result in those fields being unset. To avoid this it is best to retrieve the entire funding schedule via an API call, and then update the fields needed and send the updated object back using this API endpoint.

PUT /api/bank_accounts/{bankAccountId}/funding_schedules/{fundingScheduleId}

Request Path

bankAccountIdstringyesThe ID of the bank account this funding schedule you are updating belongs to.
fundingScheduleIdstringyesThe ID of the funding schedule that you are updating.

Request Body

namestringyesThe name of the new funding schedule. For a given bankAccountId this value must be unique.
rulestringyesThe RRule representing how the funding schedule should occur. See RFC5545 (opens in a new tab).
- The 15th and last day of every month: FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTHDAY=15,-1
- Every other friday: FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=FR
descriptionstringyesThe description of the funding schedule, this can be anything you want; but in the UI this is auto filled to be a string of the RRule. For example; The 15th and Last day of every month
excludeWeekendsboolyes:fontawesome-solid-flask: Exclude weekends will adjust the occurrence dates if they were to fall on a weekend. It will set the date to be the closest previous business day. This will not impact the frequency of the funding schedule.
estimatedDepositnumberno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Estimated Deposit is going to be used to help calculate a free-to-use ahead of when someone would actually get paid.
nextRecurrencedatetimeyesYou can override the next time this funding schedule will be processed, if you do then the funding schedule will recur relative to this date going forward. This can be useful for adjusting a bi-weekly funding schedule to recur based on an alternate day of each week.

Response Body

fundingScheduleIdstringyesThe unique identifier for the funding schedule you updated. This is globally unique within monetr.
bankAccountIdstringyesThis will be the value of the bankAccountId parameter you provided in the API path, and is included on GET requests as well.
namestringyesThe name of the funding schedule provided by you, if there were leading or trailing spaces they will have been trimmed.
descriptionstringnoIf a description was provided then it will be present here.
rulestringyesThe RRule used to calculate recurrences.
excludeWeekendsboolyesWhether or not this funding schedule will exclude weekends from its recurrence.
estimatedDepositnumberno:fontawesome-solid-flask: Estimated Deposit is going to be used to help calculate a free-to-use ahead of when someone would actually get paid.
nextRecurrencedatetimeyesThe next time this funding schedule will be processed.

Update Funding Schedule Examples

Example Update Funding Schedule Request
curl --request PUT \
  --url "" \
  --header "content-type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "name": "Payday (Old)",
    "description": "The 15th and Last day of every month",
    "excludeWeekends": false,
    "nextOccurrence": "2022-05-31T00:00:00-06:00"


If the funding schedule was updated successfully, then you'll receive the updated object back. Even if you only provided a few fields in the request you will receive the entire object in the response.

200 Ok
  "fundingScheduleId": "fund_01hxg13nya1h32pdmxsb8qpmn6",
  "bankAccountId": "bac_01hxg13mchymf24zwyf05g0r45",
  "name": "Payday (Old)",
  "description": "The 15th and the Last day of every month",
  "excludeWeekends": false,
  "nextOccurrence": "2022-05-31T00:00:00-06:00"

Delete Funding Schedule

Delete a funding schedule for a given bank account. This can only be done if there are no spending objects associated with the funding schedule you want to remove. This will simply return a 200 Ok status code if it succeeds, there is no response body.

DELETE /api/bank_accounts/{bankAccountId}/funding_schedules/{fundingScheduleId}

Request Path

bankAccountIdstringyesThe ID of the bank account the funding schedule belongs to.
fundingScheduleIdstringyesThe ID of the funding schedule you want to remove.

Delete Funding Schedule Example

Example Delete Funding Schedule Request
curl --request DELETE \
  --url ""

Funding Schedule Does Not Exist

If you try to delete a funding schedule that does not exist, then you will receive the following error.

404 Not Found
  "error": "cannot remove funding schedule, it does not exist"