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Sentry Configuration

monetr uses Sentry for error reporting and performance monitoring. But it supports using a separate DSN for the frontend versus the backend. Or you can use the same DSN for both.

  enabled: <true|false>
  dsn: "..."           # DSN for the backend, API and job runner.
  externalDsn: "..."   # DSN that is used by the frontend at runtime.
  sampleRate: 1.0      # Sample rate for errors
  traceSampleRate: 1.0 # Sample rate for performance traces
  securityHeaderEndpoint: "..."
enabledBooleanfalseEnable the Sentry integration with monetr, allowing you to gather debug information about your instance if you run into any issue.
dsnStringSpecify the DSN that the backend will use for its errors and performance traces. This DSN is never exposed publicly.
externalDsnStringSpecify the DSN that the frontend portion of monetr will use. Note: This DSN is publicly visible even without authentication as it is loaded into the index.html content served for the frontend with each request.
sampleRateFloat1.0Specify a sample rate for errors, 1.0 would be sampling every error where 0.0 would be sampling none of them.
traceSampleRateFloat1.0Specify a sample rate for performance traces, 1.0 would be sampling every transaction span where 0.0 would be sampling none of them.
securityHeaderEndpointStringSpecify a sentry URL to report CSP violations to. monetr enforces a strict CSP policy by default.

The following environment variables map to the following configuration file fields. Each field is documented below.

VariableConfig File Field