Sentry Configuration
monetr uses Sentry for error reporting and performance monitoring. But it supports using a separate DSN for the frontend versus the backend. Or you can use the same DSN for both.
enabled: <true|false>
dsn: "..." # DSN for the backend, API and job runner.
externalDsn: "..." # DSN that is used by the frontend at runtime.
sampleRate: 1.0 # Sample rate for errors
traceSampleRate: 1.0 # Sample rate for performance traces
securityHeaderEndpoint: "..."
Name | Type | Default | Description |
enabled | Boolean | false | Enable the Sentry integration with monetr, allowing you to gather debug information about your instance if you run into any issue. |
dsn | String | Specify the DSN that the backend will use for its errors and performance traces. This DSN is never exposed publicly. | |
externalDsn | String | Specify the DSN that the frontend portion of monetr will use. Note: This DSN is publicly visible even without authentication as it is loaded into the index.html content served for the frontend with each request. | |
sampleRate | Float | 1.0 | Specify a sample rate for errors, 1.0 would be sampling every error where 0.0 would be sampling none of them. |
traceSampleRate | Float | 1.0 | Specify a sample rate for performance traces, 1.0 would be sampling every transaction span where 0.0 would be sampling none of them. |
securityHeaderEndpoint | String | Specify a sentry URL to report CSP violations to. monetr enforces a strict CSP policy by default. |
The following environment variables map to the following configuration file fields. Each field is documented below.
Variable | Config File Field |
MONETR_SENTRY_ENABLED | sentry.enabled |
MONETR_SENTRY_DSN | sentry.dsn |
MONETR_SENTRY_EXTERNAL_DSN | sentry.externalDsn |
MONETR_SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE | sentry.sampleRate |
MONETR_SENTRY_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE | sentry.traceSampleRate |
MONETR_SENTRY_CSP_ENDPOINT | sentry.securityHeaderEndpoint |