Server Configuration
These configuration parameters control monetr’s actual HTTP server as well as some configuration around cookies.
listenPort: 4000
externalUrl: <http://localhost:4000>
statsPort: 9000
uiCacheHours: 336 # 14 days in hours, determines cache headers for UI assets.
tlsCertificate: </etc/monetr/tls.crt>
tlsKey: </etc/monetr/tls.key>
sameSiteStrict: <true|false>
secure: <true|false>
name: M-Token
Name | Type | Default | Description |
listenPort | Number | 4000 | The TCP port that monetr will listen for HTTP connections on. |
listenAddress | String | | The TCP address that monetr will listen for HTTP connections on. Recommended to set to your computer’s IP address or if you want to access it from outside the host’s system. |
externalUrl | String | https://localhost:{{ Listen Port }} | The actual external URL that monetr is accessible at, if you are exposing monetr to the internet or just your local network via a domain name you must specify this parameter. For example: http://monetr.local:4000 . monetr uses this to determine how to set cookies as well as build URLs used in emails. |
statsPort | Number | 9000 | The TCP port that monetr will server Prometheus metrics on. Note: These metrics are not well maintained at the moment. |
uiCacheHours | Number | 336 | Defines the number of hours that UI assets should be cached by clients, sets the cache headers on all UI asset HTTP responses. |
tlsCertificate | String | Specify the TLS certificate that the monetr HTTP server should use. | |
tlsKey | String | Specify the TLS key that the monetr HTTP server should use. |
The TLS certificate and key do not affect the external URL. If you specify https://...
in the external URL and
omit a TLS certificate and key, monetr assumes that you have some kind of proxy layer such as Nginx providing TLS
TLS certificates are also not automatically rotated for the HTTP server either. The server must be restarted after certificates are changed.
The following environment variables map to the following configuration file fields. Each field is documented below.
Variable | Config File Field |
MONETR_SERVER_EXTERNAL_URL | server.externalUrl |
monetr uses cookies for authentication, cookies can be configured depending on whether or not you are using HTTPS for your self hosted instance. But all cookies monetr issues are HTTP only such that they are never visible to client side code.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
sameSiteStrict | Boolean | true | Should cookies be issued such that they are only usable by the exact website specified in the external URL above? (Please always set to true) |
secure | Boolean | true | Should cookies be issued with the secure flag. If your external URL is using an http protocol though, then this will be treated as false regardless of the setting value here. |
name | String | M-Token | The name of the cookie that monetr should both issue for authentication and look for when authenticating requests from clients. |
Note: None of these can be configured via environment variables at this time.