🎉 monetr is going live in January of 2025!


Self-hosting monetr via Docker or a container is the easiest way to run monetr yourself. This guide does not cover how to install Docker itself; please follow Docker’s Installation Guide to get it setup on your own computer.

Container images are built for monetr with every tagged release and pushed to both DockerHub and GitHub Container Registry.

Images from both registry’s should be identical for the same image tag, so you can use whichever registry you prefer.

Image Tags

Every release monetr will create two tags for the container image. The example docker-compose.yaml file defaults to using the latest tag for maintainability reasons, but it is recommended to use a pinned version and leverage tools to perform automatic updates. This makes it easier to rollback to a previous version if needed.

latest Tag

The latest tag will always be the most recent tagged version of monetr. For example: ghcr.io/monetr/monetr:latest.

Versioned Tag

There will always be a versioned tag such as 0.18.31. For example ghcr.io/monetr/monetr:0.18.31. monetr’s versions will generally have a v prefix (v0.18.31), but images will not have this prefix in their tag.

Docker Compose

The easiest way to start monetr is to use the provided docker-compose.yaml located in the project’s root directory.

Clone The Repository

To get the compose file, first clone the monetr repository:

Clone monetr
git clone https://github.com/monetr/monetr.git

Start The Server

To run monetr, execute the following command in your terminal from the root directory of monetr’s repository.

Start monetr
docker compose up -d

This will start the monetr server, as well as the database it needs and a redis server.

Open monetr

Once monetr is finished starting, you should be able to access it in your browser via http://localhost:4000.


Sign ups are enabled by default from the docker-compose.yaml provided. If you are exposing your monetr instance to the public internet; it is recommended you disable sign ups after you have created your own login.

Updating Via Docker Compose

If you are already running monetr and want to upgrade to a more recent version you can perform the following steps.

Please make sure to review the release notes for monter before upgrading, as it will include any breaking changes you should be aware of.

Update The Repository

In your cloned monetr directory, run the following command to retrieve the latest changes.

Retrieve changes
git pull --rebase

If you encounter a conflict while performing the pull, this means that some changes you may have made locally might cause problems with the latest version of monetr. Make sure to resolve these conflicts before moving onto the next step.

Stop The Containers

You’ll need to stop the containers running before upgrading to make sure there are not conflicts.

Stop monetr
docker compose stop

Pull New Images

Once the containers have stopped you can run the following command to update the monetr image:

Docker pull
docker compose pull

Start monter Again

Once the new images have been pulled onto your local machine you can restart the server via docker compose:

Docker start
docker compose start

Things like database migrations are automatically run when using the provided compose file.