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Docker Compose

Self-hosting monetr via Docker Compose is the simplest and officially supported way to run monetr yourself. This guide assumes Docker is already installed on your system. If not, please refer to Docker’s Installation Guide to set it up.

monetr’s container images are built with every tagged release and are available on both:

Images from both registries are identical for the same version tag, so feel free to use your preferred registry.

Image Tags

Each monetr release provides two types of container image tags:

latest Tag

The latest tag always points to the most recent version of monetr. For example:


Using the latest tag is convenient but can lead to unexpected behavior if updates introduce breaking changes.

Versioned Tags

Versioned tags, such as 0.18.31, refer to specific releases. For example:

Version tags are recommended for stability. By pinning a version, you can control updates and easily roll back if needed. monetr’s version numbers use a v prefix (e.g., v0.18.31), but container tags omit this prefix.

Docker Compose

The easiest way to start monetr is to use the provided docker-compose.yaml located in the project’s root directory.

Clone The Repository

To get the compose file, first clone the monetr repository:

Clone monetr
git clone https://github.com/monetr/monetr.git
cd monetr

Configure The Server

The provided compose file includes some defaults that should be sufficient to get monetr started and to try out manual budgeting. But if you want to change anything; like adding Plaid credentials or setting up a proper domain name, you’ll need to configure monetr. The recommended way to do this is to pass environment variables for the parameters you want to change. The easiest way to do this is to create a .env file somewhere outside the monetr repository folder and when running the Docker commands below, include the flag --env-file=${YOUR FILE PATH}. This will apply your customizations to the compose file without needing to modify the provided file.

If you want to use a config file though you will need to modify the compose file to use one, or you will need to create a config file within the default volume mount that gets created. To use a config file adjust the command for the monetr service in the compose file to look like this:

      - -c
      - /etc/monetr/config.yaml
      - serve
      # Setup the database and perform migrations.
      - --migrate
      # Since certificates will not have been created, make some.
      - --generate-certificates

You can replace the path to the config file with any path you want as long as it is readable by monetr. You can specify multiple configuration file if you need to by passing -c ${file} multiple times before the serve command.


Environment variables can take priority over values in the configuration file. If you are not seeing the behavior you’re expecting with your configuration changes, make sure that the environment variable for that configuration parameter is not specified with an incorrect or blank value. A blank value in the environment variable may cause unusual behaviors.

Start The Server

To run monetr, execute the following command in your terminal from the root directory of monetr’s repository.

Start monetr
docker compose up --wait

This will start the monetr server, as well as the database it needs and a Valkey server. It will wait for everything to be healthy before letting you continue.

Open monetr

Once monetr is finished starting, you should be able to access it in your browser via http://localhost:4000.

monetr may be accessible from other URLs like the host’s IP address, but it will only set the authentication cookie (as well as other things like email links) based on the external URL configuration. If you are having trouble logging in, make sure you are accessing monetr from the same URL that it logs as “externalUrl” when it starts.

You can configure the external URL here: Server Configuration


Sign ups are enabled by default from the docker-compose.yaml provided. If you are exposing your monetr instance to the public internet; it is recommended you disable sign ups after you have created your own login.

Updating Via Docker Compose

If you are already running monetr and want to upgrade to a more recent version you can perform the following steps.

Please make sure to review the release notes for monetr before upgrading, as it will include any breaking changes you should be aware of.

Update The Repository

In your cloned monetr directory, run the following command to retrieve the latest changes.

Retrieve changes
git pull --rebase

If you encounter a conflict while performing the pull, this means that some changes you may have made locally might cause problems with the latest version of monetr. Make sure to resolve these conflicts before moving onto the next step.

Stop The Containers

You’ll need to stop the containers running before upgrading to make sure there are not conflicts.

Stop monetr
docker compose stop

Pull New Images

Once the containers have stopped you can run the following command to update the monetr image:

Docker pull
docker compose pull

Start monetr Again

Once the new images have been pulled onto your local machine you can restart the server via docker compose:

Docker start
docker compose up --wait

Things like database migrations are automatically run when using the provided compose file.


If you encounter issues while setting up or running monetr, here are some common problems and their solutions:

Containers Won’t Start

If the containers fail to start or exit immediately:

  • Check the logs using:
    docker compose logs -f

Cannot Access monetr in the Browser

If http://localhost:4000 doesn’t load:

Verify the containers are running using:

docker compose ps

Ensure no other services are using port 4000. Modify the docker-compose.yaml file to use a different port if needed. Check firewall or network settings on your machine.

Update Issues After Pulling New Images

If monetr doesn’t work correctly after an update:

  • Check for breaking changes in the Release Notes
  • Run
    docker compose stop
    docker compose up -d
    This should recreate the containers for monetr without deleting any data on the volumes.

Need More Help?

If these solutions don’t resolve your issue:

  • Check the monetr GitHub Issues for similar problems.
  • Create a new issue with detailed logs and steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Reach out for assistance on Discord.



This will remove all of your data stored for monetr, please be careful as this data cannot be recovered unless you have created a backup yourself somewhere.

To uninstall monetr via Docker Compose you can run the following command:

docker compose down --remove-orphans -v